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Bedu, the Arabic word from which the name Bedouin is derived, means “inhabitant of the desert” and refers generally to the desert-dwelling nomads of Arabia. In Jordan there are a few Bedouin tribes: the Hisma in the sandy desert of Wadi Rum, the Hweitat tribe, the Harra in the northern black basalt desert, and the Alsrhan near the border of Iraq. There are two types of Bedouin in Jordan that share the same traditions: the so-called three-month and five-year Bedouin. Bedouin who are nomadic for five years are always found near a green area and water spring. HOSPITALITY AND PROTECTION OF THE GUEST IS THE CODE AND THEME OF THE BEDOUIN LIFE You may spend the guest duration in the house of the hair in Arabic (Beit Sha’er) which is three days and third, roughly 80 hours, unless you need urgent help of the owner of the Bedouin tent. How do you tell the owner you need his help or protection? There are a lot of signs for that- the first signis to take the band which the Bedouins always wear above the headdress and put it around the neck; second sign is to tie the tussles of the headdress; the third sign is to keep holding the WASET, the wooden column in the middle of the house of the hair. During the guest duration they will serve you all meals. At lunch time is MANSAF which is lamb cooked with goat yogurt served on big plate of rice. Add pine nuts, pistachio nuts and parsley, and add the sauce on the rice. Normally they eat it by hand However, the word “Bedouin” conjures up a much richer and more evocative image– of lyrical, shifting sands, flowing robes, and the long, loping strides of camels. [/size] [size= x-small][img]/cms/pics/P1044263.jpg[/img] [/size] [size= x-small]For several centuries, such images were not far from the truth. In the vast, arid expanses of the deserts of Arabia, the many tribes of the Bedouin journeyed by camel from oasis to oasis, following a traditional way of life and maintaining a pastoral culture of exceptional grace, honor, and beauty. [/size] [size= x-small]Most of the Bedouin tribes of Jordan are descended from peoples who migrated from the Arabian Peninsula between the 14th and 18th centuries, making the Bedouin themselves relatively recent arrivals in this ancient land. Today, many of the Bedouin of Jordan have traded their traditional existence for the pursuits and the conventions of the modern world as startling changes over the last two decades have irrevocably altered the nature of life for the Bedouin and for the land they inhabit. Nonetheless, Bedouin culture still survives in Jordan, where there is a growing appreciation of its value and its fragility.[/size] [size= x-small][img]/cms/pics/P1044275.jpg[/img][/size] [size= x-small]Few places in the desert are capable of supporting the life of even a small community for an extended period of time, and so the Bedouin of Jordan, like those of Arabia, would stay on the move. With herds of sheep and goats as well as camels, the Jordan Bedouin migrated from one meagerly fertile area to another– each offered sustenance and shelter for a time, while the others were naturally replenished. [/size] [size= x-small][img]/cms/pics/P3270020.JPG[/img][/size] [size= x-small]In such an unforgiving environment, any violation of territorial rights was viewed with severe disfavor. It is a hallmark of Bedouin culture that such trespasses were neither easily forgiven nor quickly forgotten. At the same time, a shared respect for the dangers and hardships of the desert imbued Bedouin culture with a profound and justly celebrated sense of hospitality. In the vast silence and brooding solitude of the Sinai, simply encountering another person was–and in some regions still is–a rather unusual and noteworthy event. A new face was cause for great interest, for happy generosity and careful etiquette, and for common civility, all values celebrated in Bedouin poetry, sayings, and songs. [/size] [size= x-small]If you are willing to experience the Bedouin style of life here are…[/size] [b][i][size= small]Suggested activities with Bedouin:[/size][/i][/b] [i][size= x-small][b]• Living with a Bedouin • Learning the language and culture • Dining with Bedouin • Bedouin style marriage • Create your own tour • See our other tours • [url=node/65]Contact us[/url][/b] [/size][/i]
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Prices are quoted in US dollars per person and are valid until September 2014.
Prices for Children
- Children under 2 are free of charge.
- Children aged from 2 to 5 pay 25% of the adult price.
- Children aged from 6 to 11 pay 50% of the adult price.
- Children 12 and over pay the full adult price.
Payment Policy
Reservations should be made as far in advance as possible so we can make the appropriate arrangements.
The booking will be secured upon receiving a deposit of 25%, or, during the Christmas and New Year holidays, a deposit of 50%. This deposit is part of your final payment. Deposits can only be made by wire transfer or through Western Union.
Jordan Entry Visas
To enter Jordan, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond your scheduled departure date. Visas can be obtained in advance from the Jordanian Consulate in your country of origin, or upon arrival at a Jordanian airport for USD 30. Please check for any special conditions attaching to your nationality beforehand.
It is customary in Jordan to express satisfaction and gratitude for good service by giving a tip. A tip is much appreciated by guides, drivers, cleaning staff, etc., but tipping is not obligatory and the amount given is up to the tipper’s discretion.
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[/tab] [/tabcontent] [/tabs]Jordan Bedouin Tour: Experience the Bedouin lifestyle, enjoy delicious Bedouin cuisine and sleep under the stars by the campfire.